“Forgotten Hollywood”- Circle of Insight / Perils of Porn…

Posted on September 15, 2015 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

   I personally invite you to the TherapyCable Channel Circle of Insight program with host Carlos Vazquez, as he tackles The Perils of Pornography. I co-host this insightful program, as we discuss the history of porn, the entrenchment of the adult film industry in California, and how we can encourage family-friendly programming in television and cinema. I will offer a brief history of the Hays Code that encouraged quality motion picture production during Hollywood’s Golden Age.

   Circle of Insight logo   TCLogoCircle of Insight - Perils of Porn

   Here is the link (click or copy-and-paste) to watch this scintillating half hour of conversation:


Forgotten Hollywood - Therapy Cable logo   TherapyCable is also home to my Forgotten Hollywood web-based television program. Let me personally offer my thanks to Dr. Vazquez for giving me the opportunity to co-host his fine Circle of Insight show.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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