“Forgotten Hollywood”- A Point of Light…

Posted on November 30, 2018 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here… 

“`George H. W. Bush was the patriarch of a modern legislative dynasty. His political career included stints as a Congressman, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, Ambassador, Director of Central Intelligence, Vice President, and President. At the time of his death, he was the oldest living former chief executive in history.  His eldest child served two terms in the White House, and his second son became a popular Governor in Florida. His father was a former Senator from Connecticut.

“`Serving a harrowing four years in the military during World War II, Bush returned to marry his sweetheart Barbara. After his service, George attended Yale University, and became the captain of his baseball team. Upon graduation, he went into the oil business.

“`His political resume is unsurpassed in its depth. The turning point in his legacy was when Ronald Reagan chose Bush as his running mate in the 1980 campaign for President. George served two terms as Vice President. He succeed Reagan as the forty-first President in 1988.

“`During his one term, Bush oversaw a pro-democracy struggle in China culminating with the grotesque massacre at Tiananmen Square; the dissolution of the Soviet Union precipitated by the destruction of the Berlin Walland the Gulf War campaign after Iraq invaded Kuwait.

“`President Bush attention to voluntary service as a way of solving some of America’s serious social problems. He used the thousand points of light theme to describe the power of citizens to solve community problems. In 1990, the Points of Light Foundation was created as the nonprofit organization in Washington to promote the spirit of volunteerism. He also facilitated the creation of the American Disabilities Act, a major civil rights effort.

“`He lost his bid for a second term to Bill Clinton. The two opponents eventually became close friends. Clinton often called the elder Bush during his term in office for advice and counsel. In post-presidency,  they together worked on humanitarian causes with an appropriate measure of civility.

“`In retirement, George lived to see his son become President, and another lose a bid in the primaries. He was a witness to the eventual fall of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. And, he made the parachute jump from a helicopter at the age of ninety. On January 10, 2009, father and son, both former Presidents, were present at the commissioning of USS George H. W. Bush. Sadly, Bush outlived his childhood sweetheart and bride of seventy-three years. He was recently visited by Barack Obama, who stopped by just three days ago.

“`President George H. W. (Poppy) Bush (above) was ninety-four.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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