“Forgotten Hollywood”- Alma Mater to Carry My Work!

Posted on June 28, 2011 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here… 220px-UCLA_hoodie

   I graduated from UCLA (1980), Bachelor of ArtsPolitical Science. I’m thrilled to find that Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History has just been ordered by Diana L. King, Librarian for Film, Television, & Theatre, UCLA Arts Library. Located at 1400 Public Affairs Building on campus, this is the ideal branch for current and future students to find my work. It will be the 55th library to house my book.

UCLA logo_blu_bar   UCLA banner_arts

   According to their website:

The Arts Library has more than 270,000 books in the fields of architecture, architectural history, art, art history, design, film, television, photography as art, theater, and allied disciplines.

   This is a personal victory in efforts to see my paperback read by the Bruin community.


   Seattle is the place to find Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History on demand. Here’s a few online sites:third place books

* THIRD PLACE BOOKS – Two locations just outside the Seattle area including Lake Forest Park and Ravenna. Here’s their link:


art_ubs_cart_2010* UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE The University of Washington student store. The Pac 10 is now well represented. They offer free shipping for book-only orders. Go Huskies! Here’s their link:


Until next time>                               “never forget”

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