“Forgotten Hollywood”- Second Book Milestone…

Posted on February 2, 2016 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here..

FINALfrontcover-sonofforgottenhol   Son of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History has reached over 1400 in sales; an achievement that compliments the Forgotten Hollywood Book Series, NOW approaching 4800 units sold. This latest milestone is because of recent purchases from the membership of local chapters of the Chino, Moreno Valley, and Lawndale Rotary Clubs.

Logo-NT1400-75th-111115-04   Rotary-Wheel-3d-150x150

   The numbers are sure to rise with February stops in Cypress (my home town) at the Chamber of Commerce and Public Library (on the day of the Oscars ceremony); and a March trip to the East Coast to visit library branches in the Bronx and Manhattan to share my Forgotten Hollywood journey. This will be part of ReelAbilities: NY Disabilities Film Festival. By the way, the main branch of the New York Public Library carries Son of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History as a reference copy, a real tribute to my work.


Cypress COC logo   Cypress Public Library

reel-web-logo   nypl_logo

   The next 60 days should be quite an adventure. Time to enjoy the ride.

   Thank you for allowing me to indulge in a written example of self-congratulatory expression. Now, back to more great Hollywood Golden Age-related stories…

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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