“Forgotten Hollywood”- What About Bob…

Posted on July 10, 2020 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

“`Big Boy is a restaurant chain where the mascot may be better known than the eatery itself. If you have never visited one of Big Boy’s seventy-plus locations, you certainly have seen the checker-clad kid who has been the face of the company since it was founded in the 1930s. But after all those years, Big Boy is finally getting a respite. Though the name will still be Big Boy, the company’s mascot will be a little girl:  Dolly.

“`Removing Bob is not a forced move. Rather, this change to a female logo is a pre-planned promotional idea tied to a new menu item… a chicken sandwich. It is an effort to compete in the ongoing Popeyes chicken sandwich wars, Whether this is a permanent change or just a promotional stunt is not entirely clear. McDonalds ran a similar campaign with Mac Tonight replacing Ronald McDonald in the 1980s.

“`In 1936, Bob Wian sold his prized DeSoto Roadster to buy a hamburger stand in Glendale, California. He named it Bob’s Pantry. One day, Bob sliced a bun into three pieces, added two hamburger patties, and the very first double-decker burger was born. It became so popular, he changed the name of his restaurant.

“`Dolly was originally introduced in Adventures of the Big Boy comic book series as Big Boy’s girlfriend. So, after a century of service, Bob is out. Is it trite to simply say:  Hello Dolly!

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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