“Forgotten Hollywood”- Let’s Look at the Tote Board…

Posted on June 21, 2011 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…Paley logo-260x127

   Numbers are still being tabulated. But, final bids from the Debbie Reynolds 12-hour auction at the Paley Center for Media this past Saturday are quite  impressive. Some of the highlights from the 600 items sold include:

800px-The_Seven_Year_Itch_(Marilyn_Monroe's_skirt_blows_up)   ascot dress   maria-dorehmi

* Marilyn Monroe’s subway dress from The Seven Year Itch:  $4.6 million

* Audrey Hepburn’s Ascot outfit from My Fair Lady:  $3.7 million

* Judy Garland’s screen test dress & slippers from The Wizard of Oz:  $1.7 million

* Marilyn Monroe’s sequined gown from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes:  $1.4 million

* Grace Kelly’s clothes from To Catch a Thief:  $540 thousand

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* Rudolph Valentino’s matador outfit from Blood and Sand:  $258 thousand

*Julie Andrews’ guitar from The Sound of Music:  $140 thousand

*Charlie Chaplin’s bowler from the Little Tramp films:  $135 thousand

* Elizabeth Taylor’s head dress from Cleopatra:  $100 thousand

* Elizabeth Taylor’s riding outfit from National Velvet:  $73.8 thousand

* Gary Cooper’s uniform from Sergeant York:  $67.6 thousand

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thecollection_title-150x150[1]   Profiles in History is the offical auction house calculating the final tally of sales (estimated at $22.8 million). Nancy Seltzer & Associates handled the publicity, which was immense. Debbie Reynolds has already scheduled a sister auction for December.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 21st, 2011 at 12:40 am and is filed under Blog by Manny Pacheco. You can follow any comments to this post through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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